Poysdorf, die Weinstadt �sterreichs
Open-Air Gallery Ohmeyer - Poysdorf, Maria Ohmeyer-Weg

Maria Ohmeyer > Paintings > Oil-Paintings

In her flower-paintings we experience the other, profound, side of the happy, humorous and resolute Maria Ohmeyer. Sometimes hesitating, sometimes shocking, the transience of the man and the artist breaks through. We feel the vulnerability of a sensitive character.

Sorrow and pain even weigh upon the "Pieta" (1960) and the "Old Pigeon Feeding Lady".

"Do you now understand , what I suffered when I painted the face of Mary? I would have never painted it like that without the loss of my own son. I`ve worked on this picture for over a year."

This oil-painting shows that Maria Ohmeyer was also influenced by expressionism: fear and flight from the beginning thunderstorm, violent motion in the tree and in the sky. A hut - in warm tones - gives shelter. Watching the child you can foresee the thunder.

Maria Ohmeyer, "Thunderstorm",
68x75 cm, about 1965, Oil

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